Crowntail Betta Sorority Pack (5 Females)
A sorority of Bettas is a group of 5 or more female Bettas in a tank that is no less than 20 gallons (bigger the better)! This tank must also be heavily planted and heated with enough hiding spots for each female to claim as their own territory, otherwise fights may break out in your group. All of our female Bettas are raised together, making them a great group to start a sorority, as they are already used to being with each other! Always make sure that you have an extra tank running in the case of a female not being suitable for your sorority (chasing, biting, excessive flaring, stress stripes, clamped fins, sickness, etc!) not every female Betta is happy living the sorority life, so you should always make sure you have a way to separate them out if necessary! Never try to force or "throw" a female into your sorority, proper introduction to a new female must be followed.