When you order your axolotl, it will be sent with a COLD PACK rather than a heat pack as they are cold water creatures! If you are to purchase an axolotl PLUS a tropical (warm temperature fish), you MUST select the "Add Tropical Fish to Axolotl Order" located in the Axolotl Category, this will cover the box for your axolotl & cold pack plus your box of tropical fish & added heat pack (if necessary for weather conditions). If you do not select this option upon shipping, we will unfortunately have to cancel your order and send an email explaining as to why we made this decision! Keep in mind if you are only ordering an axolotl and no items that require heat, you will not need to select the added shipping cost.
Basic Care
Substrate- NO gravel, small rocks, marbles or any decor that can fit into your axolotl's mouth, they will swallow these items and result in a trip to the vet! ​
Cycle Your Tank!- Learn about the nitrogen cycle and complete this before your purchase.
Water Conditioners- Not all water conditioners are safe for your axolotl, in facts, most are toxic! Seachem Prime is an excellent, safe water conditioner to use in your tank.
Water Changes- Perform weekly 10%-20% water changes to your tank and spot clean any left-over foods or excrements to ensure ideal water quality.
Tank Size- MINIMUM (not ideal): 20-Gallon Long. IDEAL (best health): 30-40-Gallon Breeder tank. Ensure your tank has a lid, axolotls will jump!
Oxygen- Axolotls prefer slower moving water, be sure to avoid high flow! They will however need oxygen provided to their water, you can achieve this with a sponge filter or air stone.
Tank Mates- Axolotls are best kept alone, but you can house two axolotls of the same sex in a 40-gallon breeder tank comfortably! Many fish companions can harm your axolotl's gills or slime coat, so it is best to avoid keeping fish with them!
Food- Axolotls eat earthworms, night crawlers, blackworms, axolotl pellets, frozen brine shrimp, Repashy Grub Pie, and occasional bloodworms as a snack.
Water Temperature- 60°F-68°F do not exceed 72°F for prolonged periods of time!
Axolotl Size- 10 inches or LARGER​